Saturday, July 23, 2011

How One Hour Can Change Your World

How One Hour Can Change Your World
Imagine what your life would be like if you didn't have stress and didn't have back pain.

Does it frustrate you when chronic pain controls your life? Does your pride get pummeled when you can't enjoy your family, friends, sports, and good times because of pain?
Picture this... Its 11am on Saturday and your back is killing you from yard work and theanxiety and stress of your upcoming presentation on Monday. The kids want to play more "piggyback" and your wife has just launched into a tirade about how she expects to do something special tonight. While you sip your coffee, you peruse through In and locate a therapist in your town. You set up massage appointments for 7 and 8pm, for you and your wife.
At 6:50, your therapist arrives. You show her where to set up her things while your wife puts the kids to bed. By 7 PM, you are laying on the bed already in full bliss as your muscles are skillfully worked and relaxed. Your pain and your troubles melt away as the soft music makes you feel like you are floating. You start to realize this will be a unique and unforgettable experience. By 8 PM your wife is face down on the bed letting the therapists' hands work wonders. She finishes with the thought that "no one has ever been able to get that knot out of my shoulders!"
It's now 9 PM and you are both sitting down to a wonderful meal you've cooked (or secretly ordered) while your wife had her massage. Gone is the back pain and anxiety that existed all day. Your wife who feels fantastic absolutely adores you and thanks you for taking her on the best "date" ever! You are finally relaxed and ready to take on your presentation on Monday. You both think how easythis was...set the appointment... no babysitter needed.. no need to spend on an expensive dinner and drinks... no taxi's, no parking, no traffic. An unnecessary luxury? Not when it pertains to your health and wellbeing. You think of it more now as a healthy date, unwinding after a day at work, and most of all taking care of your basic needs of wellbeing and pain relief so you can be there for your family when it matters most.
Just Imagine...after a 60 minute in home massage...You've gotten rid of your unwanted back pain and having achieved success, you can look back as the day you made the decision to start leading a pain free life. Wouldn't that make you feel good? Don't put off the pleasure - get started today!!


  1. Keeping In Touch provides support for independent home living and domiciliary care as well as aid call and silverline Our Companions take the time to get to know each person they are assigned to. This on-going contact with our Customers is designed.
    Keeping In Touch

  2. Don't stay longer for being stressed coz there are lots of way how to keep away from that feeling like going on deep tissue massage in Cambria,. it will give you complete touch.
